Oh Yea of Little Faith..

Last weekend attended a group ride or was that Race! organised by the Shire riders to Mt Carbine…
There is obviously still some old school thought that Royal Enfields really should not leave town, as I overheard this intelligent comment…’Gee he was at the last stop and he beat us here to the lunch stop’..and guess what fellows the bike actually got me home, left no trace of oil smear anywhere and I passed a couple of wallowing boat anchors up and down the Rex.
Concerned about the reliability of the new RE’s..don’t be, they are meant to be ridden everyday, allday and give you excellent fuel economy.
A 500cc machine won’t give you rocket ship performance, but will cruise @ 100-110 all day and you will keep your licence. Why do we need 1700cc of engine? Why do we need 250kg+ weight..RE’s are back to basics and will give you a ‘true motorcycling experience’
Great day by the shire riders except for the ‘gravel grinders’..Mt Carbine Shire riders run 09

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